In Churchill tradition, bring a £1 to work today had a few added twists. With cake sales and quizzes – Friday 11th October was no ordinary day in the office!
Cakes were very generously donated by Alastair Machin’s Mum, and went down a treat in the office. As always, all donations to our Dougie Mac fund.
The same goes for our picture quiz. Special thanks to Kristina Henderson and Heather Taylor for taking the time to arrange this – and congratulations to the winners....TOP BANANA!
So although the day was a little bit bananas, and people were acting a little like clowns...
It was a great success and we managed to beat our £40,000 target!
Our total now stands at £40.007.24
Many thanks to all involved and for everybody’s generosity, we couldn't have done it without you!!!!
With lots more to look forward to and more fundraising events lined up in the coming months, lets keep up the good work and keep doing it for Dougie!