Friday, 31 May 2013

Weekly Update

After last week's amazing effort, the funds are still rolling in. Raising a further £1,772, the total now stands at £23,799.24

Last week saw a team of volunteers collecting at the Regent Theatre. Thank you and well done goes out to all of our volunteers. They all had great fun with the visitors and managed to get a few interesting snaps...

Diane, Janet and Helen
The Manufacturing team, Paul Owen & Peter Gibson brought home £140, however they were beaten by Helen Moseley & James Morgan who collected more than £165, but thanks should also go to everyone who gave up their evenings to collect for the challenge.

This week we are holding a raffle on the factory for 1 days holiday & a variety of soft toys donated by Potteries Plating. We also have a team of volunteers at Tescos Trent Vale on Saturday 1st June selling the mugs. 

This weekend there is a night of music organised at the Leopard in Burslem on Saturday when Dave Whitehouse & his group will be performing, it's sure to be a great night so get yourselves down!

The big event thought will be the marketing teams climb of Scarfell Pike on Saturday - good luck to them all! 

Next weekend our Dining In marketing team we will be at Asda Wolstanton and Sue Chapman will be at Stone Festival selling the mugs.
Again, thank you all for your efforts this week. 

Peter & Paul
Cara & Steffi

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Scarfell Pike Climb

On Saturday 1st June, sherpa Brian McMahon will be leading an intrepid team of marketeers, including Sharon Heap, Vanessa Carter, Kelly Barber, Sarah Dennis, Amanda Goodwin, Lois Humphrey & Sophie Davies on a climb up Scarfell Pike, the highest point in England & not an easy climb, to raise funds for Dougie Mac.

We know that everybody has been so generous over the last few week but this is an amazing challenge and we want to ask you all again to dig deep to support them.

Please sponsor either by filling in one of their sponsor forms or going to our Just
Giving Page at

We all wish them every success with the challenge!

Live Music Night for Dougie Mac

Get yourselves down to The Leopard Hotel in Burslem this Saturday for an evening of live music. Churchill's very own Dave Whitehouse is providing the entertainment, so if you're interested you can get a ticket from him. For only £1.50, it's guaranteed to be a fantastic night. 

Eyes Down for Dougie

One of last week's biggest highlights of the fundraising week was undoubtedly the bingo. A sell out event, this will definitely become a regular feature of the fundraising events! Congratulations to winners Dave Whitehouse & Claire Gleave who both won.
Packed out event
Bingo Callers Lynn and Denise
Winner Dave Whitehouse

Second bingo sitting
Winner Claire Gleave 

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Afternoon Tea, Served in the Traditional Manner of Course!

Last week, Becky Chesters and Joan Wootton, served a traditional afternoon tea of scones, jam and cream with a choice of tea or coffee. Raising a total of £90, they were a real winner with hungry runners after the first few legs of the relay race!

Thanks not only goes to them, but also to Wrights Pies for donating the scones. 

Charity Mug Travels the World

Mug on the Great Wall of China
Check out where the Churchill Charity Mugs have been on their travels...

Thank you to Ian Wright and Charlie Wallin from IPS Ceramics for sending in their photos.

Taking in the spectacular views

Iain Wright with the mug
Charlie Wallin with the mug 

Friday, 24 May 2013

School's out for Churchill Fundraisers

With one of the biggest weeks in Churchill's fundraising calendar drawing to a close, we just wanted to say one last thank you to all who have been involved in one way or another. 

School's out for the week, so well done to all on the fancy dress efforts! 

Pop quiz: 35 years ago, to the day, a certain Churchill Employee was suspended from school for drinking on school premises. Who was it?? Answers to Helen Blackburn....
Churchill Class of 2013
Design Class
A quick game of Play Your Cards Right at Playtime 

Triumph Week for Churchill

All the weeks of hard work, planning and training came to close yesterday. In just 45 hours, well under our 48 hour time promise, the team of runners ran the distance from Stoke to the London Showroom. A week filled with fundraising and sponsorship we have now raised a further £5301.50, giving us a total of £21,777.24! 52% of the way there! 

Everyone completed the run, everything went to plan and all arrived home safe and well (apart from one of the team suffering a nettle sting on the bum...we won't mention any names or how that happened!). A massive thank you goes out to all runners who have taken part in the run over the past few days. The effort put in by each and every one of them has been incredible and lots of fun was had by all. In (rough) running order:

Cara Thomas 
Claire Gleave 
Diane Kempton 
Duncan Molloy
Cate Wood
Kate Cartwright
Amy Sellers
Sarah Hall
Steffi Jones
Louise Beardmore
Emily Myatt
Andrea Brereton
Dave Hubszer
Matthew Bradley 
Richard Bratton 
Jenny Gibbs
Michael Machin
Jordan Kempton 
Phil Smedley 
Mark Meaney
Rebecka Salt Mountain
David Plant 
Danny Tainton
Daniel Meigh
Ben Godwin
Ryan Burgess
Nick Plant 
Matt Lindop
Jerry Frost 
Steve Brown 
James Roper
Lisa Pauley
Ross Jones 
Mark Jones 
Angie Buckroyd
David Taylor
Donna Frosdick
Paul Smith

Also, a big thank you to all the drivers following the runners day and night! 

Ann Basnett
Ben Godwin
Dan Meigh 
Frank Browshill
Paul Urbanczyk
Paul Scragg

Well worth a mention has to be Paul Smith's Mum and Dad who allowed 3 of the runners a quick toilet stop after they got caught short on the dash past their house! They didn't fancy using the luxury Andrex toilet paper provided in the back of the bus for some reason...

The last leg of the journey, was a tough one to navigate through the busy streets of London, but Paul Smith sprinted over the finish line to complete the race ahead of the 48 hour time limit. Greeted by a cheering team of people from Churchill, including Jackie and Linda from the Cup shop, who somehow ended up chatting up a policeman... The run then ended with Paul having a celebratory brew out of the well travelled mug! 

In addition to the run this week, our 9 cyclists made it home from the Ruby Cycle Run on Sunday -
Paul H, Matt L, James M, Alan T, Karen , Matt D, Mark, Ben, Daniel. A huge well done to those also! Matt L, hope the sunburn goes down soon!

With more activities going on than can be mentioned in one blog post, I will keep you updated with all the other activities you have been taking part in over the coming week. Again, a massive well done, I'm sure you will all agree it has been an amazing week for all. 

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Churchillian Effort

Well they think it's all over it is now! The mug landed at the showroom in Islington at 4.50 pm in just under 45 hours. They say a team is only as strong as its weakest link. The last 48 hours have proved we have no weak links. Massive thanks and well done Team Churchill. A few photos below more to follow.(sorry none of the show room yet)

Last stop Gondola

A quick final stop to say hello to Gondola home of Pizza Express, Ask and Zizzi

It's the final countdown!

It's the final leg now - David Taylor ran a strong section and I did a pb time so looking good and after a few showers the sun is shining!

Getting directions from Compass

a quick stop by at Compass offices for a special delivery of Dougie Mac mugs

Final team take to the road

Team T take over from the southern sales team who finished ahead of time - well done guys

expecting bad weather the team are prepared and in good spirits

Busy Morning

James and Steve did a great job getting us to Watford in record time the southern sales team then followed suit reaching inter continental hotel group in Denham a full hour in front of the predicted time! Fantastic effort

Big cheer for fundraising

Today has seen the 50% mark of the fundraising target smashed! We are now up to £20,711.24

A massive thank you to all the runners who have ran so far, cyclists and all of you who have supported. This could not be done without you. Well done! 

Frosty reception at Stonegate

Great job Jerry and Matt finishing on time mug handed over to steve the gazelle brown

Good Morning!

The teams overnight have done a great job they are all safe and sound. Jerry Frost is currently on his leg with two miles to go Steve Brown and James Roper just limbering up ready to go!!

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Into the night

Great leg from Becky and Mark arriving in the small village of Clay coton bang on time at 9.20. Taking over the reigns are Dave Plant and Danny Tainton.
To all great job today good luck to the night shift and lets keep doing it for dougie all the way to London tomorrow

Time to take in the Views

Runners just south of Lutterworth. Great night for running as the sun begins to go down

Life on the road

82 miles in!! Somewhere between Rugby and Northampton!

Update 18.50

All going well, mick machin phil smedley and jordan finished there shift from burton to stoke golding. Now back on time hurrah. Mark Meaney and becky salt mountain now in charge of the mug to Rugby