Everyone completed the run, everything went to plan and all arrived home safe and well (apart from one of the team suffering a nettle sting on the bum...we won't mention any names or how that happened!). A massive thank you goes out to all runners who have taken part in the run over the past few days. The effort put in by each and every one of them has been incredible and lots of fun was had by all. In (rough) running order:
Cara Thomas
Claire Gleave
Diane Kempton
Duncan Molloy
Cate Wood
Kate Cartwright
Amy Sellers
Sarah Hall
Steffi Jones
Louise Beardmore
Emily Myatt
Andrea Brereton
Dave Hubszer
Matthew Bradley
Richard Bratton
Jenny Gibbs
Michael Machin
Jordan Kempton
Phil Smedley
Mark Meaney
Rebecka Salt Mountain
David Plant
Danny Tainton
Daniel Meigh
Ben Godwin
Ryan Burgess
Nick Plant
Matt Lindop
Jerry Frost
Steve Brown
James Roper
Lisa Pauley
Ross Jones
Mark Jones
Angie Buckroyd
David Taylor
Donna Frosdick
Paul Smith
Also, a big thank you to all the drivers following the runners day and night!
Ben Godwin
Dan Meigh
Frank Browshill
Paul Urbanczyk
Paul Scragg
Well worth a mention has to be Paul Smith's Mum and Dad who allowed 3 of the runners a quick toilet stop after they got caught short on the dash past their house! They didn't fancy using the luxury Andrex toilet paper provided in the back of the bus for some reason...
The last leg of the journey, was a tough one to navigate through the busy streets of London, but Paul Smith sprinted over the finish line to complete the race ahead of the 48 hour time limit. Greeted by a cheering team of people from Churchill, including Jackie and Linda from the Cup shop, who somehow ended up chatting up a policeman... The run then ended with Paul having a celebratory brew out of the well travelled mug!
In addition to the run this week, our 9 cyclists made it home from the Ruby Cycle Run on Sunday -
Paul H, Matt L, James M, Alan T, Karen , Matt D, Mark, Ben, Daniel. A huge well done to those also! Matt L, hope the sunburn goes down soon!
With more activities going on than can be mentioned in one blog post, I will keep you updated with all the other activities you have been taking part in over the coming week. Again, a massive well done, I'm sure you will all agree it has been an amazing week for all.
Well worth a mention has to be Paul Smith's Mum and Dad who allowed 3 of the runners a quick toilet stop after they got caught short on the dash past their house! They didn't fancy using the luxury Andrex toilet paper provided in the back of the bus for some reason...

Paul H, Matt L, James M, Alan T, Karen , Matt D, Mark, Ben, Daniel. A huge well done to those also! Matt L, hope the sunburn goes down soon!
With more activities going on than can be mentioned in one blog post, I will keep you updated with all the other activities you have been taking part in over the coming week. Again, a massive well done, I'm sure you will all agree it has been an amazing week for all.
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