Friday, 12 July 2013

Weekly Round Up

Dave and his 'Wimbledon Wags'

Emily & Maria
With the sun shining on Churchill HQ this week, it has boosted everyone's spirits for a warmer summer, as well as the doing it for Dougie total. Raising £1,067.46 throughout the week this now brings the total up to £31,623.27.

Last Friday we had a lovely Wimbledon themed day. Paying fines for dressing down we had a gang of 'Wimbledon Wags' all dressed in their finery. We also had a number of players and an umpire dotted around the office! In keeping with the theme, strawberries and cream were served, which went down a storm. Thanks to all for your donations and outfit efforts.

Katie, Dave and Sarah
Thank you to Julie Sturge & Heather Keeling for going to Morrisons Festival Park on Monday selling our mugs. This weekend Andrew Lawton & Graham Robinson will be at the Pets at Home Funday selling mugs. If you are in the area please  go along to support them. We are still welcoming suggestions on where to sell the mugs so if anyone knows of any events then please let us know.

Tennis Players James, Sharon,
Emily and Bradders
Get your dabbers at the ready, as the eagerly anticipated return of the Bingo is happening this week. On Thursday there will be a game held for the factory staff and Friday will see the office staff battling it out to win the prize. 

There are still tickets left for the Blackpool trip, but be sure to get yours soon as they are selling out fast. If you want to go, get your £10 to either Jeanne or Personnel. 

Please remember to sponsor Ross Jones for his half Marathon. He currently has £145 in sponsorship and has promised if we get him to £200 that he will run a second half marathon! So please visit his Just Giving Page to make a donation.

We are creeping ever closer to our £40,000 target. With lots of fun filled events planned for the rest of the year, please do continue to help us sell our mugs & reach our target.

On another note, this will be my last blog post as I am leaving Churchill today! I have loved writing this blog so I hope it lives on. The best of luck with the rest of your fundraising ventures, you are all so supportive and it doesn't cease to amaze me how generous you all are! 
Its been emotional! Signing off, Amy x

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